This is a piece I completed for the 12th International Art Competition of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My work explores the theme of the competition “All are Alike unto God” by delving into a study on how Heavenly Father views us. In the old testament the scriptures state “the Lord seeth not as man seeth […] but the Lord looketh on the heart (1 Sam 16:7). In viewing our hearts it becomes clear to God how we are like him and also what holds us back from progressing: our strengths, weaknesses, triumphs and failures are laid bare.
All Are Alike Unto God by Lacy Knudson 2021
The elements in the piece are symbolic:
· The woman in the work represents all of us as we are all alike unto God.
· The green light from her heart is representative of our best nature, our divinity and love.
· The light within is constrained and tangled by dark cords of sin that bind us slowing progress.
· The white space represents the presence of God above us
· The earth appears dark in the piece, as here in mortality “we see through a glass darkly” (1 Cor 13:12)
· The globe is lit with the light of billions across the world, each one known individually to our Heavenly Father.
· The stark contrast between God and Earth is shown literally as night and day, light and dark.
I wanted to convey that the Lord sees and understands us intimately in our perfection and imperfection. He is most concerned about the condition of the heart, the true measure of who we are as his children and in that sense we are all alike to him.
Of course I was hoping to have it seen by visitors from around the world, but after the final round of judging it was removed from the exhibition. Now it’s come back to my studio and while it’s hard to not get in I know that I was inspired to paint this piece.